15kVA - 120kVA
3-phase in / 3-phase out
- สำรองไฟ
- ปรับแรงดันไฟ
- กันไฟกระชาก
Embedded with isolation transformer, Giant series will eliminate noise in common mode and the requirement to install expensive dedicated circuits, It provides reliable galvanic isolated power to critical equipment.
ประเภท : เครื่องสำรองไฟ True On-Line Double Conversion Design
- True online double conversion with DSP control
- Robust electrical performance to prevent damage from top and bottom connections
- Screwless cabinet design and fully coating PCBAs to withstand harsh environment
- Unique ventilation design for effective heat dissipation
- Flexible battery configuration adapts different applications
- Front access makes maintenance and replacement easily
- High short-circuit and overload capabilities
- Flexible battery configuration adapts different applications
- Easy integration into existing electrical networks or generator
- Parallel capability up to 4 units
- Industrial process (and control system, indusstrial machinery, instrument and measurement, process monitoring and control, security and transport systems..)
- Infrastuuctures (Hopital, airport, semiconductor, water treatment, metallurgy)
- Energy industry (gus and oil, nuclear power
- Military application
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